Open Book | Olliviette

#OpenBook is back! In case you’ve missed it so far, this is my series of honest conversations with fellow bloggers from the over 30 and fab crowd. In each installment, the featured blogger opens up to me about the highs and lows of their journey so far, and the lessons they’ve learned on the way. If you need to, catch up quickly on the series so far. We’ll wait

Today, we’re having a candid chat with Olli who will be turning 34, and boy is she excited! Olli is a digital marketing queen, which basically means she works hard to make people shine online.  She’s also an artist and a beautiful dreamer. Her hobbies are staying weird and being loud with a dash of enjoying anime and mimosas.

Read on to find what Olli had to say about the danger of comparison, learning about a new city, and never being in love!

Tell me a bit about your blog. is my lifestyle blog where I talk about everything from the view of a quirky black woman. is my digital marketing and blogging advice blog where I share tips and tricks for all creatives.

What city do you blog from?

I’m blogging from the city of London.


Why did you get into blogging?

I used to blog waaaaay back in the day when blogging was more of an online journal type of community.  During that time, I liked the idea of expressing myself and connecting with other people.  Now, I started blogging again as a way to push myself to learn more about my new city and to help me find clients for my business (The Coco Creativ).


How long have you been blogging for?

Altogether, I’ve been blogging on and off over the past 13 years.  This summer will be one year of blogging for Olliviette and Autumn will be one year for Coco Creativ.


What is your favourite blog post to date? 
I will be that blogger who says she loves all her blog posts equally but I would have to choose my post about Never Being in Love simply because it was a moment of awakening for me.  As I wrote that post, I really sat there learning new things about myself and it was a moment of truth for myself as a woman, a human being and a creature in the universe who would like to love one day.

Share a blogging high you’ve experienced since the beginning of your journey

Blogging high – would have to be the time someone came up to me and told me they read my blog (an older blog) religiously.  At that time I was blogging for myself and just documenting my life, but she made me realise the true meaning of influence, especially when it originates from a genuine place.


A blogging low?

That would be comparing myself as a blogger to other bigger bloggers.  When I first started considering blogging as a “thing” there were no black bloggers dominating the scene.  If I had continued to blog during that period, my blog could have grown immensely but I got so discouraged and I stopped.  I regret not pushing just because diversity wasn’t a word the industry knew.


What’s the best piece of blogging advice you have ever received? 

Be consistent!  I get my best views, engagement, my best everything when I stick to my schedules and complete my goals.  Speaking of goals, goals for your blog because it helps you work towards growing and achieving more.


What other projects would you like to embark on as a blogger?

Well, I have a ton of plans but I’m learning how to quietly work on things until they’re ready to be announced so all I can say is:  I want to work with more bloggers, more brands, create more content and of course GET PAID HUNNY.


Thank you so much Olli. This has been a fun interview! Where else can we find you?
Lifestyle | Twitter:@olliviette | Instagram: @ollivietteblog

| Twitter:@thecococreativ


This has got to be one of the most honest chats we’ve had on here yet. Olli is such a beautiful soul. What do you think? 

Would you like to get involved? If you are a thirty-something black blogger and would like to take part in #OpenBook, send an email to

Before you leave, download your free writing resources!

Five Copywriting Secrets

Get Hired with No Experience / CV Bundle

Blog for a Year (52 unique blog titles!)



  1. Berry Dakara
    April 4, 2019 / 8:41 pm

    Awww, I loved reading this post. Olli seems like a really sweet person and I'm off to check out her blog and website!Thanks for this series Madeline. To be honest, since a lot of the newer bloggers are younger, sometimes I feel really old and ask myself what I really think I'm doing.Berry Dakara Blog

    • Madeline Wilson-Ojo
      April 5, 2019 / 7:25 am

      Hi Berry. Thank you so much for reading. Yes Olli is real sweet. You are so not too old. We need your voice on the internet. Also reading your honest thoughts on life is so refreshing. Please keep sharing.

    • Olli from
      April 19, 2019 / 5:12 am

      Hello Berry! I'm so glad you enjoyed my words and I do hope you check out the sites.I think your comment is something I've heard older bloggers say, where do we fit in with brands and blogging. I refuse to act a certain way to appeal to the world of blogging or come off a certain age to get opportunities. We need to make our own space and lift each other up just like Madeline has in creating this series. So what you're really doing? You're out here slaying the game and being an awesome older blogger.

  2. Gabrielle
    April 4, 2019 / 9:55 pm

    I like her reasons mentioned for starting a blog, I think that was a factor for many of us – a way of expressing ourselves! 🙂 hope you have a lovely weekend Madeline!Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x

    • Madeline Wilson-Ojo
      April 5, 2019 / 7:32 am

      Hi Gabrielle. Yes! My original blog was just an outlet. I had no content strategy, I just posted. And it did surprisingly well. Ah well! Thanks for reading ��

    • Olli from
      April 19, 2019 / 5:14 am

      Hi Grabrielle, thanks for reading this post! It was so important for me to express myself through blogging. The first time I started blogging waaaaaay back in the early 2000s it was because I didn't fit in and I was in need of a safe space to write. Blogging has evolved for me but it usually centers around creativity and safely expressing myself. Thanks again for reading!

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